Troubleshooting Flexbox in Internet Explorer 11: Issue with 100% width not functioning properly within nested flex containers with a 'column'

Is there a way to ensure that an image within nested flex containers has a width of 100% in IE11, even when the container has flex-direction: column? I've tried setting the width to 100% with a max-width of calc(100% - 0.1px), but unfortunately it doesn't seem to work. Any suggestions?

section, .articles-wrapper, .article-wrapper {
  display: flex;
.article-wrapper {
  flex-direction: column;
img {
    width: 100%;

Here is the HTML structure:

  <div class="articles-wrapper">
    <div class="article-wrapper">
      <img src="">

Answer №1

Have you examined the layout of the page to understand how the elements are structured?

In reality, the image is indeed occupying 100% of its parent's width. This is because flex-items do not automatically expand to fill the container but rather grow based on their content.

Both the .articles-wrapper and .article-wrapper elements must be explicitly allowed to grow by setting flex-grow: 1; or using the shorthand property flex with different values:

.articles-wrapper, .article-wrapper {
    flex: auto; /* shorthand for flex: 1 1 auto; */


.articles-wrapper, .article-wrapper {
    flex: 1; /* shorthand for flex: 1 1 0%; */

As you delve deeper into using flexbox, I suggest referring to Philip Walton's Flexbugs repository, which outlines common bugs in various browsers along with solutions for each one.

EDIT Michiel: Flex: 1; functions in IE11, although it does not maintain the aspect ratio when the window is resized smaller than the image size. This issue is highlighted in Flexbug #5 and can be resolved by adding a non-flex wrapper:

  <div class="articles-wrapper">
    <div class="article-wrapper">
      <div> <!-- ADDED NON-FLEX WRAPPER -->
        <img src="">

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