Is there an issue with hover not working for MUI styled component when focused?

Having trouble getting both focus and hover effects to work on the same MUI styled component in React. Check out this code sandbox for a demonstration. When clicking on the Select element, the background and border colors do not change:

const SelectStyle = styled(Select)(({ theme }) => ({
  width: "175px",
  border: `1px solid #C4CDD5`,
  borderRadius: 3,
  fontSize: "1.2rem",
  "&:hover": {
    backgroundColor: "#DFE3E8",
    border: `1px solid #919EAB`
  "&:focus": {
    backgroundColor: "#54D62C",
    border: `1px solid #AAF27F`
  "& .MuiSelect-select": {
    paddingTop: 5,
    paddingBottom: 5,
    fontSize: "1.2rem",
    alignItems: "center",
    display: "inline-flex"

Struggling to figure out why this is happening or how to resolve it?

Answer №1

To customize the .Mui-focused class, you can do the following:

"&.Mui-focused": {
        backgroundColor: "#54D62C",
        border: `1px solid #AAF27F`

Check out this live demo for a visual representation.

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