Hide the menu when a user taps on an item on mobile or tablet devices

I'm facing a unique challenge and could use some guidance. The issue is with the mobile version of my website, accessible at . On tablets or mobile devices, the menu is condensed into a button. To navigate through the menu, I have to click the button to reveal a drop-down list, select the desired page, and then click the menu button again to close the drop-down list. If not closed, the list covers the entire screen, making it impossible to view the selected page.

You can see how it looks in this screenshot: https://i.stack.imgur.com/bSk9b.jpg

Is there a way to automatically close the menu when selecting an item from the drop-down list? Any tips or suggestions on how to achieve this would be greatly appreciated as I'm currently struggling to find a solution.

Answer №1

To activate a click event on any item within the menu lists, simply click on that particular item. For instance... If you're utilizing jQuery

$('list-item').click(function() {
    //Get rid of the class responsible for keeping the menu open
    //Execute any necessary actions following the button click
    //such as navigating to another page 

This can also be achieved using vanilla javascript. Just look up click events in javascript.

Answer №2

Implement JavaScript on the click action of any link in the navigation menu to toggle its visibility.

> <a href>'s

This will allow users to easily show or hide the menu by clicking on any link within it.

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