What is the best method to ensure a TALL table header is repeated on every page in Chrome?

First time poster =)

I am currently facing an issue while trying to print a long table and have the table header repeat on each page. The problem arises when the height of the <thead> reaches a certain threshold, specifically 242px in Chrome 87.0.4280.88 with default margins. When the header exceeds this height, it only prints once on the first page. Adjusting the page margins does provide some flexibility, but I am looking for a workaround that would allow me to print a taller <thead> on every page without modifying the margins. I have searched for documentation regarding this issue but have not found a solution yet, so any help would be greatly appreciated.

    <th style='height: 242px'>if this was 241px it would print on every page</th>
    <tr><td>anything</td></tr> <!-- repeat this process enough times to span multiple pages -->

Thanks in advance!

Answer №1

To achieve this effect using only CSS, you can apply the following styles to target your table:

  thead {
    position: fixed;
    top: 0;

  thead th {
    height: 380px;

  tbody tr:nth-child(25n + 1) td {
    padding-top: 380px;

  tbody tr:nth-child(25n + 26) {
    page-break-before: always;
    break-before: always;

This CSS code fixes the position of thead so it shows on every page, adds a top padding equal to the height of thead to every 25th td in tbody, and includes a break-before property for every 25th tr except the initial one.

You can modify the nth-child selectors to match the height of your content rows accurately for proper page breaks.

Answer №2

The issue may be originating from the browser and how it interprets your website. One possible solution could involve creating multiple identical headers and using a different one on each page, even if they appear identical.

        <tr><th style='height: 242px'>Header 1</th></tr>
        <tr><th style='height: 242px'>Header 2</th></tr>

Another option, involving the use of php, would be to create an include where you generate a single header.html file and call it on every page. If you are interested in exploring this alternative, feel free to request more details, and I can provide an example for you.

Answer №3

 <table id="header-table">
    <th style='height: 242px'>Tall header</th>

<table id="main-table">
    <tr><td>anything</td></tr> <!do this as many times as you want -->

Utilizing the method above, you have the option to separate the header, and for a repetitive process, consider incorporating JavaScript libraries like jsPDF or printJS along with CSS styling in the file.

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