JavaScript - Utilizing an image file in relation to a URL pathway

Is there a way to reference an image URL using a relative path in a JavaScript file similar to CSS files?

To test this, I created two divs and displayed a gif in the background using CSS in one and using JavaScript in the other:

-My file directory structure is as follows: root/index.html root/module1/test.css root/module1/test.js root/module1/img.gif

-index.html code:

    <link href="module1/test.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">
    <P id="p1"> Line 1 </P>
    <P id="p2"> Line 2 </P>
    <script type="text/javascript" src="module1/test.js"></script>

-test.css code:

#p2 {background: url('img.gif')}

In the CSS file, I am able to use the relative path successfully.

-test.js code:

document.getElementById("p1").style.backgroundImage = 'url(./module1/img.gif)';

However, in the JavaScript file, I have to use the absolute path or it will not work correctly.

-img.gif - you can use any GIF image of your choice.

I have tried searching online for a solution, but I only ended up feeling more confused. If anyone could provide guidance, that would be greatly appreciated.

Ps: If you know of a jQuery solution, please share as well.

Answer №1

When working with CSS style sheets, the path is interpreted relative to that style sheet itself.

However, if you decide to specify a path using JavaScript later on, it will be interpreted relative to the document instead.

You can still utilize relative paths, but keep in mind that they need to be relative to the document now. For example:


As you might already know.

I haven't come across a method for constructing paths relative to the style sheet from outside of it.

One possible workaround that comes to mind is defining a class within the style sheet and changing the element's class rather than specifying a background image through JavaScript.

In the style sheet:

.p2_img_gif {background: url('img.gif')}

Then, when it's time for the paragraph to receive the background image, you would do:

document.getElementById("p2").className = "p2_img_gif";

If you require toggling classes or specifying multiple ones, consider utilizing jQuery's addClass() and removeClass() functions.

Answer №2

Another option is to apply inline styling to an element

let selectedElement = document.getElementById("p1");
let imageUrl = './module1/img.gif';
selectedElement.setAttribute('style', 'background-image: url(' + imageUrl +');');

Answer №3

This particular solution has been tested and confirmed to be effective in Firefox 3.6.

<!doctype html>
div { background: red; width: 80px; height: 80px }
window.onload = function() {
  document.getElementById("test").style.backgroundImage = 'url("green.png")';
<p>Upon execution, the red color should disappear.</p>
<div id="test"></div>

If you encounter any issues, please specify the browser you are currently using for assistance.

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