The mouse coordinates do not align with the drawing of a rectangle on the canvas

I am having some issues with drawing a rectangle on mouse drag over the canvas that is overlayed on an HTML5 video JS player. The rectangle is being drawn, but it does not align correctly with the mouse coordinates.

I suspect that the canvas, which is overlaid on the video, has some extra space around it that is causing the misalignment between the rectangle and the mouse cursor. Here is my code:

 onMouseDown = (e) => {
        let start_x = e.clientX
        let start_y = e.clientY

            is_drawing: true
            draw_start_x: start_x,
            draw_start_y: start_y

onMouseMove = (e) => {
        let myCanvas1 = document.getElementById('myCanvas')
        let ctx1 = myCanvas.getContext('2d')

            ctx1.clearRect(0, 0, myCanvas.width, myCanvas.height);
            let width = e.clientX - this.state.draw_start_x
            let height = e.clientY - this.state.draw_start_y
            ctx1.fillStyle = '#000'
            ctx.fillRect(this.state.draw_start_x, this.state.draw_start_y, width, height)

        return (
                <div className='video-container data-vjs-player'>
                        ref={ node => this.videoNode = node }
                        // onContextMenu="return false;"
                        className="video video-js video-el vjs-big-play-centered vjs-default-skin"
                        id="video-el" loop={false} controls>
                            src="" type="video/mp4"/>
                    <button className="play-btn" onClick={this.playPause}>Play</button>



scss file


 background-color: aliceblue;
  width: 50%;
  height: calc(100% - 250px);
  position: relative;
  margin: 0;

    position: absolute;
    top: 0;
    left: 0;
    z-index: 10;
  .video {
    width: 100%;
    height: auto;
    position: absolute;
    top: 0;
    left: 0;
    position: relative;

Screenshot of the app

It appears that there is some additional space around the red canvas in the screenshot provided above. This extra space might be the cause of the misalignment between the mouse and the rectangle.

Answer №1

After working on it, I created a codesandbox to help you achieve the desired outcome. I had to make some adjustments to the code in order for it to function correctly. It seems that the issue may have been caused by default margins or padding on certain elements. By adding

   padding: 0

to the beginning of the scss file, the rendering started to display properly.

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