What is the best way to assign a unique ID to every element in this situation?

Here is the given code:

var words = ['ac', 'bd', 'bf', 'uy', 'ca'];

document.getElementById("wordTable").innerHTML = arr2tbl(2);

function arr2tbl(ncols) {
  return words.reduce((a, c, i) => {
    if (i % ncols == 0) a.push([]);
    return a;
  }, []).map(r => "<tr>" + r.map(c => `<td>${c}</td>`).join("") + "</tr>").join("\n");
<table id="wordTable"></table>

The above code generates this table:

<td>ac</td> <td>bd</td>
<td>bf</td> <td>uy</td>

I need to assign an id for each word so I can style them dynamically. The desired formatting should look like this:

<td id="1">ac</td>  <td id="2">bd</td>
<td id="3">bf</td>  <td id="4">uy</td>
<td id="5">ca</td><td></td>

To enable flexible styling with a function like this:

function formatWord(wordID){
  document.getElementById(wordID).style.color = "red";

Users can randomly call formatWord(2); formatWord(5);...

If assigning ids to "td" elements is not possible, it doesn't matter as long as we can apply dynamic styles to the words in the table.

How can I add an id to each element in this scenario?

Answer №1

Here's a simpler way to generate a table using JavaScript instead of innerHTML

  ['ac', 'bd', 'bf', 'uy', 'ca'], 
  2 );

document.querySelector(`pre`).textContent = 

function arr2tbl(words, forTable, ncols) {
  let currentRow = document.createElement(`tr`);
  words.forEach( (word, i) => {
     if (i > 0 && i % ncols === 0) {
      Object.assign( document.createElement(`td`), 
      { id: i + 1, textContent: word } ) );
<table id="wordTable"></table>
<h3>The table html</h3>

Answer №2

When we use the reduce function, it is possible to pass the index value into the array.

var words=['ac', 'bd', 'bf','uy','ca'];

let result = arrToTable(2)

function arrToTable(ncols){
 return words.reduce((a,c,i)=>{
   return a;
  },[]).map(r=>"<tr>"+r.map(c=>`<td id="${c[1]}">${c[0]}</td>`).join("")+"</tr>").join("\n");
<table id="wordTable"></table>

Answer №3

If you want to share the position of a word, you can do it by passing the index like this:

let words = ['one', 'two', 'three', 'four', 'five'];

document.getElementById('wordTable').innerHTML = createTable(2);

function createTable(ncols){
 return words.reduce((a,c,i)=>{
   a.at(-1).push([c, (i + 1)]);
   return a;
  },[]).map(r=>"<tr>"+r.map(c=>`<td id="${c[1]}">${c[0]}</td>`).join("")+"</tr>").join("\n");
<table id="wordTable" border="1"></table>

Answer №4

If you want to simplify the process, consider creating a variable called index and incrementing it during your chosen iteration.

var words = ['ac', 'bd', 'bf', 'uy', 'ca'];

        document.getElementById("wordTable").innerHTML = createTable(2);

        function createTable(columns) {
            var index = 1;
            return words.reduce((acc, current, i) => {
                if (i % columns === 0) acc.push([]);
                return acc;
            }, []).map(row => "<tr>" + row.map(col => `<td id=${index++}>${col}</td>`).join("") + "</tr>").join("\n");
<table id="wordTable"></table>

Best of luck with your code!

Answer №5

I find this much easier to digest.

Personally, I wouldn't opt for numeric IDs but rather something along the lines of

const idx = `row-${rowStartIndex}-cell${cellIndex}`;

const words = ['ac', 'bd', 'bf', 'uy', 'ca'];

const arr2tbl = (ncols) => {
  // Determine the number of rows required
  const nrows = Math.ceil(words.length / ncols);

  // Generate an array of rows using Array.from function argument
  return Array.from({ length: nrows }, (_, rowIndex) => {
    // Calculate start index of current row in original array
    const rowStartIndex = rowIndex * ncols;

    // For each row, create an array of cell strings
    const cells = words.slice(rowStartIndex, rowStartIndex + ncols)
      .map((word, cellIndex) => {
        // Calculate word's index in original array for ID
        const idx = (rowStartIndex + cellIndex)+1; // one based
        // const idx = `row-${rowStartIndex}-cell${cellIndex}`;
        return `<td id="${idx}">${word}</td>`;
      .join(''); // Combine cell strings into a row

    return `<tr>${cells}</tr>`; // Enclose row cells in <tr> tags
document.getElementById("wordTable").innerHTML = arr2tbl(2);
  <tbody id="wordTable"></tbody>

Answer №6

An easy way to improve your code is by first mapping the cells before generating the rows as shown in the example below:

var words = ['ac', 'bd', 'bf', 'uy', 'ca'];

document.getElementById("wordTable").innerHTML = arr2tbl(2);

function arr2tbl(ncols) {
  return words
    .map((word, index) => `<td id="${index + 1}">${word}</td>`)
    .reduce((a, c, i) => {
      if (i % ncols == 0) a.push([]);
      return a;
    }, [])
    .map((row) => "<tr>" + row.join("") + "</tr>").join("\n");
<table id="wordTable"></table>

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