Tips for identifying when a change has been made to a SCSS file or any of its partial files

Looking to incorporate sass into a Ruby script but want to compile only when necessary. The typical method for compiling involves using the following code:

require "sass", options).render

By utilizing appropriate hash values for options, we can achieve this. However, my goal is to trigger compilation only if the main scss file or any of its imported partials have been updated.

The key aspect here is leveraging sass caching within the options. Caching stores update information about files in a specific directory. I believe that after executing up to:

engine =, options)

there should be some data available in the engine object that indicates whether the main scss file or any partials have been modified. Only under these conditions should we proceed with:


for the actual compilation process. How can I effectively detect file updates based on the information provided by the sass cache?

Answer №1

To utilize this functionality:

Sass::Engine.for_file(scss, options).render

If a cached parse tree exists in the cache directory for the specific scss file hash, it will be retrieved. For more details on how to use Sass::Engine.for_file, refer to the official documentation at:

The cache search is carried out within the Sass::Engine#_to_tree method, with the source code accessible here:


Below are the initial lines of Sass::Engine#_to_tree:

def _to_tree
  if (@options[:cache] || @options[:read_cache]) &&
      @options[:filename] && @options[:importer]
    key = sassc_key
    sha = Digest::SHA1.hexdigest(@template)

    if root = @options[:cache_store].retrieve(key, sha)
      root.options = @options
      return root
  # ...

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