Enhance the appearance of a dropdown selection using CSS

I am interested in customizing the appearance of the first option (Search Clubs) to be bold, while keeping the rest with normal font weight. Currently, I am able to make the first option bold, but it only appears that way after clicking the dropdown menu. It reverts back to normal once an option is selected.

<select name="" id="">
  <option value="">Search Clubs</option>
  <option value="">Bodyshots Kickboxing Gym</option>
  <option value="">Champions Kickboxing Club</option>
  <option value="">North East Mugendo: Forkhill</option>
  <option value="">North East Mugendo: Newry</option>
  <option value="">North East Mugendo: Lordship</option>

Answer №1

Unfortunately, styling the shadow DOM of a <select> tag is not possible.

To learn more about shadow DOM, visit this link:


Some browsers may allow limited styling options, such as changing the font-family:

What happens if you try to change the font-family?

select {
  font-family: Sans-serif;

While WebKit browsers like Safari and Chrome will ignore the change, Firefox, Opera, and IE will apply it. However, the font-family won't inherit into the select element - you'll need to specify it explicitly.

For further information on this topic, check out:


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