A guide on applying color from an API response to the border-color property in an Angular application

When I fetch categoryColor from the API Response, I set

border-left: 3px solid {{element.categoryColor}}
in inline style. Everything is functioning correctly with no development issues; however, in Visual Studio, the file name appears red as shown in the image below.

I am looking for a proper syntax or best practice to apply color within the structure using inline style.


Answer №1

When working with Angular, it is recommended to utilize attribute binding, as discussed in this helpful guide on class and style bindings in Angular.

If I were in your position, I would transfer all styling from the inline style attribute to a separate CSS class. Then, within the span element, you can use

. Here's an example:

.some-class {
    border-left: 3px solid transparent;
    /* ... */
<span class="some-class" [style.borderColor]="element.categoryColor"></span>

Alternatively, the styling can be applied directly within the HTML like so:

<span style="border-left: 3px solid transparent;" [style.borderColor]="element.categoryColor"></span>

Answer №2

The most effective method is to utilize the [ngStyle] directive.

<span [ngStyle]="{ 'border-color': fetchBorderColor() }">Your text</span>

To determine the border color, you can create a function that extracts the color code from the API response and formats it as CSS, for example 2px solid purple.

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