Display HTML in JavaScript without altering the Document Object Model

Is it possible to style a custom HTML tag called "location" without directly modifying the DOM?

For instance, having

<location loc-id="14" address="blah" zipcode="14" />

Would it be feasible to render it like this:

<div class="location">

I am aware that I could extract data from attributes and create new elements in the DOM, but I'm interested in exploring options that do not involve direct DOM manipulation.

It may sound unlikely, but I wanted to inquire about the possibility.

Answer №1

To achieve this effect, you can utilize the :before and :after pseudo elements in CSS:

  address:before {
    content: attr(location);
    text-transform: capitalize;
    display: block;

  address:after {
    content: attr(postalCode);
    display: block;
<address addr-id="45" location="example" postalCode="12345" />

Resulting in:


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