Tips for aligning text in MUI Breadcrumbs

I am currently utilizing MUI Breadcrumb within my code and I am seeking a solution to center the content within the Breadcrumb. Below is the code snippet that I have attempted:

<BreadcrumbStyle style={{marginTop:30}}>
  <Card elevation={3} style={{padding:10}}>
      <Breadcrumbs separator={<NavigateNextIcon fontSize="small" />} aria-label="breadcrumb" >
        <Link underline="hover" color="inherit" href="/" sx={{ display: "flex", alignItems: "center" }} ><HomeIcon sx={{ mr: 0.5 }} fontSize="inherit" /> Home  </Link>
        <Typography  >Projects </Typography>
        <Typography style={{color:"blue", fontWeight:"bold",}} noWrap >React JS Web Application</Typography>

To achieve the desired output of centering the content in the Breadcrumb, I am looking for guidance. The expected outcome can be viewed via this link:

Answer №1

The alignment of the content is determined by the flex container, not the text-align property.

To correct this issue, you can modify the Breadcrumbs component like so:

  separator={<NavigateNextIcon fontSize="small" />}
    "& ol": {
      justifyContent: "center",
      margin: "auto"

Answer №2

For a centered alignment in the Card tag, experiment with

style={{textAlign:"center" }}

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