What is the best way to set up unique body backgrounds for each page in WordPress?

My website consists of various pages named as :

  • page-X.php
  • page-Y.php
  • page-Z.php

These three pages mentioned above require unique background colors. However, the remaining pages/posts on my site inherit their background-color from the style.css file.
I am facing challenges in applying distinct background colors to the mentioned 3 pages due to Bootstrap 3 causing gaps that inadvertently apply background color from the style.css file. Can you suggest a solution to this issue?

Answer №1

To implement this code in your functions.php file, follow these steps:

add_action('wp_head', 'show_custom_template');
function show_custom_template() {
    global $template;
    // Define an array of custom template names
    //$custom_templates = array('page-X.php', 'page-Y.php', 'page-Z.php');

    // Extract the template name without the path
    $template_name = str_replace('/', '', strrchr( $template, "/" ));

    // Check if the current page is using a specific custom template
    if( $template_name == "page-X.php" ) {
        <style type="text/css"></style>

Answer №3

To easily apply CSS, you can target the body class in the source code and find the page's ID.


Alternatively, you can use filters to automatically add classes to specific pages and then assign corresponding styles like .red to them.

add_filter( 'body_class', my_class_names($classes, 'red') );
add_filter( 'body_class', my_class_names($classes, 'blue') );
add_filter( 'body_class', my_class_names($classes, 'green') );
function my_class_names( $classes,$myclass ) {
    $classes[] = $myclass;
    return $classes;

// Styles.css file

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