Guide on adding a parent class to style all generated CSS rules in styled-components 5.3.5

When my application loads into a parent div with a specific class (for example, .my-app), is there a way to add the prefix .my-app to all classes generated by styled-components?

For instance, consider a component like this:

import React from 'react';
import styled from 'styled-components';

const Button = (props) => {
  return <StyledButton type="button">foo</StyledButton>;

const StyledButton = styled.button`
  color: blue;

export default Button;

Usually, the output might look like this:

<style data-styled="active" data-styled-version="5.1.1">
    .cuetwY { color: blue; }
<div class="my-app">
    <button class="cuetwY">foo</button>

But I am striving for the following result:

<style data-styled="active" data-styled-version="5.1.1">
    /* Here you can see the added selector */
    .my-app .cuetwY { color: blue; }
<div class="my-app">
    <button class="cuetwY">foo</button>

I have experimented with both babel-plugin-styled-components-css-namespace and stylis-plugin-extra-scope, but it seems that they do not work well with newer versions of styled-components or older versions of SC paired with React 18.

Answer №1

If you're looking to personalize the classes for a component using styled-components, you can achieve this by utilizing the attrs method. With this approach, you have the flexibility to set your own custom class.

The attrs method is chainable and allows you to add props to a styled component. It takes an object as its argument, which gets merged with the component's existing props. The attrs object can include various values. For more information, check out the documentation.

import styled from "styled-components";

const Style = styled.button.attrs((props) => ({
  className: `my-${props.random}`
  background-color: grey;
  color: white;
  padding: 1rem 2rem;

export const Button = () => {
  const generatedStyleName = "DweDw32FS";
  return <Style random={generatedStyleName}>Click me</Style>;

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