Arrange text in a line below neatly in a list

My goal is to line up items on the same row, as shown in the screenshot. I need the opening hours to align consistently in the list. The data is retrieved from a database and displayed using Vue.

This is how I currently display the opening hours and days. How can I ensure that the hours align properly in the list to avoid the misalignment seen in the image below?

<ul class="display-items"
    v-for="item in opendays_hours">
    <li class="display-item" v-if="item">
         {{}} {{item.times}}

Answer №1

To achieve the desired layout, simply add the following CSS style for the list item element in your stylesheet:

  display: flex;
  align-items: center;
  justify-content: space-between;

I have also created an example for you to visualize this concept.

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