"Customize the font style of columns in a WordPress table created with TablePress by setting them to it

Recently, I designed a table in a WordPress blog using the TablePress plugin. My intention now is to style the left column's font in italics, excluding the table header.

Answer №1

While examining the content and conducting online research, I have identified the following CSS:

.tablepress-id-1 tbody .column-1 {
    font-style: italic;

Allow me to clarify. In .tablepress-id-1, the number following the final - represents the shortcode of the table generated using TablePress. Additionally, I intend to implement the CSS specifically for the table body with tbody. Lastly, .column-1 pertains to the first column on the left side of the table.

To apply the CSS, you must navigate to TablePress -> Plugin Options within the WordPress Admin panel (assuming that you have installed the TablePress plugin). Subsequently, input your CSS in the Custom CSS text field and save changes by clicking Save Changes.

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