Trouble with the Ngx-Captcha feature

I am currently utilizing <ngx-recaptcha2 #captchaElem [siteKey]="'6Leh1ZIjAAAAAG8g0BuncTRT-VMjh3Y7HblZ9XSZ'" (success)="handleSuccess($event)" [useGlobalDomain]="false" [size]="size" [hl]="lang" [theme]="theme" [type]="'image'" (load)="handleLoad()" formControlName="recaptcha">

Sometimes, when I click on "I am not a robot," it prompts me for image verification, but other times it doesn't request validation at all?

Can anyone explain why this inconsistency occurs? I'd like the image recaptcha to always show up after clicking on "I am not a robot."

Answer №1

Keep in mind that the Google captcha images may only show up if Google has identified the necessity to confirm that you are not a robot. Therefore, there may be instances where the image does not display.

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