Step-by-step guide on positioning an image to show at the bottom of a div

I am trying to create a div that covers 100% of the screen height, with a table at the top and white space below it for an image. However, when I add the image, it ends up directly under the table instead of at the bottom of the DIV. I have searched on Google and tried various solutions like setting display:block, margin:0 auto, and bototm:0px but nothing seems to work. Does anyone have any suggestions? Thank you.

Answer №1

To ensure proper alignment, include the CSS rule position: relative in the parent div and then apply position: absolute; bottom:0px; to the image element. While this method generally works well, results may vary depending on the specifics of your code. Additionally, there is a typo in your code - make sure to correct the spelling of bottom.

Explore the example on Codepen at

Answer №2

One method to achieve this is by utilizing Flexbox. Check out an example here:

This is how you would structure the HTML:

  <img src='...' />

And the corresponding CSS:

div {
  display: flex;
  flex-direction: row;

img {
  align-self: flex-end;

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