Customize the Position of Icons in Material UI

I am looking for guidance on how to position my components within an image using Material UI. Specifically, I want to move my heart component to the top right corner of the image and place the ratings at the bottom.

import image from "../../Assets/pic.jpg";
import React, { useState } from "react";
import { makeStyles } from "@material-ui/core/styles";
import Card from "@material-ui/core/Card";
import CardActionArea from "@material-ui/core/CardActionArea";
import FavoriteBorderIcon from "@material-ui/icons/FavoriteBorder";
import CardContent from "@material-ui/core/CardContent";
import CardMedia from "@material-ui/core/CardMedia";
import Typography from "@material-ui/core/Typography";
import Grid from "@material-ui/core/Grid";
import styles from "./Cards.module.css";
import Stars from "../Stars/Stars";

const useStyles = makeStyles({
  root: {
    maxWidth: 345,
    display: "flex",
  text: {
    textAlign: "center",
    color: "#333333",
  textCardBottom: {
    display: "flex",
    justifyContent: "center",

  textPrice: { color: "#333333" },

  textStrike: { margin: "0px 10px 0px 10px" },

  textDiscount: { color: "#ff6a6a" },
  stars: {
    right: 9,
  ratings: {},

const Cards = () => {
  const [showComponent, setShowComponent] = useState(false);
  const classes = useStyles();

  const handleToggleHoverIn = (event) => {

  const handleToggleHoverOut = (event) => {

  console.log("The state showComponent value is ", showComponent);

  return (
          title="Contemplative Reptile"
        {/* {showComponent ? ( */}

        <Grid container>
          <Stars right="40%" /> // placing this rating component in the center of the image
          <FavoriteBorderIcon fontSize="large" /> // moving this heart to the top right corner
        {/* ) : null} */}
            Printed round Neck
              Rs. 454

              Rs. 699

              (35 % off)
            {/* <p>
              <b>Rs. 454</b>
              <strike>Rs. 699</strike>
              <span style={{ color: "#FF7F7F" }}> (35 % off) </span>
            </p> */}


export default Cards;

I experimented with the positioning properties in Material UI but faced challenges in moving the components as desired. Despite consulting the Material UI documentation, I couldn't find suitable properties to achieve the desired layout.

Answer №1

Have you experimented with incorporating inline styles in this manner:

<FavoriteBorderIcon fontSize="large" style={{ position: "absolute", top: "5px", right: "5px" }}/>
<Stars right="40%" style={{ position: "absolute", bottom: "5px" }}/> 

It may also be necessary to add a positioning attribute to the Grid element

<Grid style={{ position: "relative" }}>

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