Updating the CSS style of an inner DIV using JavaScript

Can you provide guidance on how to modify the background color using JavaScript for the different styles listed below?

i) Internal Style sheet and/or ii) External Style sheet

I am currently working with the card deck slide show available at https://github.com/dynamicdriverepo/carddeckslideshow

Here is an example of the CSS code I have been using:

div.stackcontainer > div.inner { background: #D7F9FF; }

Answer №1

Another option is to utilize a CSS variable (which is currently supported in the most recent web browsers)

div.container > div.box{ background: var(--box-bg-color, #D7F9FF); }

You can then utilize JavaScript to modify the value for --box-bg-color from anywhere within div.box or higher up.

document.querySelector('div.container').style.setProperty('--box-bg-color', 'green')

If you are unable to edit their CSS, you will need to make adjustments directly to that element's style:

var element = document.querySelector('div.container > div.box');
if (element) {
  element.style.backgroundColor = '#00FF00';

Keep in mind that you are altering the specificity values that decide which CSS rules to apply. Also, if you wish to revert to the original style, you must remove the style attribute from that element.

var element = document.querySelector('div.container > div.box');
if (element) {
  element.style.backgroundColor = '';

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