Is it possible to change a Material UI style without resorting to an HOC?

Is there any method to modify the styling of a Material UI component without the need to create an entirely new component using withStyles()?

For example, if I am currently displaying the following and simply want to adjust the color of the "Delete" label:

<div style={styles.rowFooter}>
    control={<ClearIcon />}
    title="Clear all fields."
    control={<DeleteIcon />}
    title="Delete this row."

In order to achieve this, typically I would need to:

  • Create a new styling function that returns { color: "maroon" }.
  • Create a new component specifically for rendering the "Delete" button.
  • Apply my custom styles by calling

However, I am seeking an alternative solution. Is there any way to accomplish this without going through those steps?


One approach I am aware of is to use a CSS className. However, I was hoping for a different option as it does not work in this particular scenario to override the nested element.

I would prefer to be able to directly pass style={{ color: "maroon" }}, but unfortunately, this only changes the color of the icon itself and not the text of the label...

Answer №1

If you want to customize the styles provided by Material UI, consider using the classes prop instead of className.

  control={<DeleteIcon />}
  title="Delete this row."
    label: 'labelStyle'


.labelStyle {
  color: maroon !important;

While not a perfect solution, it gets the job done without the need for withStyles().

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