The art of combining CSS3 gradients with background images

I've created a function that changes the parent element's background gradient when a checkbox's status is toggled. Check out the Lorem link to see it in action!

Click here to view.

However, I've encountered an issue with applying this functionality to a larger box in my example because there's a background image specified for that particular element. It seems that a gradient cannot coexist with a background image in the same space.

Is there a way around this limitation to add a background gradient to the element? Keep in mind that I can't apply the gradient directly to the image since they will be dynamically populated and not all images will have the same dimensions.

I'm open to any suggestions on how to achieve this, whether it involves changing HTML/CSS or utilizing jQuery - all solutions are welcome! :)

Answer №1

In CSS 3, gradients are essentially generated images. If your browser supports multiple backgrounds (you can use Modernizr to test this), you can incorporate two background images. For example:

.multiplebgs.cssgradients .button {
    background-image: url("img.png"), -webkit-gradient(linear, left top, left bottom, from(rgba(247,148,34,0)), to(#dc7703));
    background-image: url("img.png"), -webkit-linear-gradient(-90deg, rgba(247,148,34,0), #dc7703);
    background-image: url("img.png"), -moz-linear-gradient(-90deg, rgba(247,148,34,0), #dc7703);
    background-image: url("img.png"), linear-gradient(-90deg, rgba(247,148,34,0), #dc7703);

Answer №2

To create a layered effect with a background image and gradient, wrap the element with another div. This will allow the transparent parts of the image to reveal the gradient underneath.

<div id="div-with-gradient">
    <div id="div-with-image">
        <!-- content -->

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