Reverse the impact of the preceding CSS directive

In this screenshot example, the padding at the bottom in Material-UI has been increased from 16px to 24px using the CSS rule below:

.MuiCardContent-root:last-child {
    padding-bottom: 24px;

I want to revert it back to 16px, which was the original value set by a previous rule. How can I achieve this using either Material-UI API or plain CSS?

I attempted the following code but it only changed the value to 0:

const useStyles = makeStyles(function (theme) {
    return {
        // ...
        cardContent: {
            '&:last-child': {
                paddingBottom: 'inherit|initial|revert|unset', // (only one at a time, of course...)

// ...
    <CardContent className={classes.cardContent}>
// ...

While I could manually set it to 16px, I prefer not to go with this option for obvious reasons.

Answer №1

While I may not have full knowledge about the MaterialUI elements you're incorporating, one suggestion could be to utilize the unset property. This can instruct the :last-child selector to inherit values from the cascade, such as the default setting of .MuiCardContent-root.

Answer №2

Suppose your requirement is that the last child should not receive special treatment solely based on its last-child status in this scenario, the recommended solution would be to introduce a new class in the HTML markup.

Subsequently, modify the CSS to target only the last child that does not contain that specific class.

This ensures that no unintended changes are applied to similar elements on other pages.

    .materialUI {
        color: #f00000;
    .materialUI:not(.notThisOne):last-child {
         color: #330;
        <div class='materialUI'>
            <p>Hello this is the page you want to edit</p>
        <div class='materialUI notThisOne'>
            <p>Horse must not be last childed</p>

        <div class='materialUI'>
            <p>Any OtherPage</p>
        <div class='materialUI'>
            <p>Other Page Last Child</p>

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