Top Tip for conditionally rendering a styled component inside or outside a wrapper, depending on the screen width

Can anyone help me with this coding question? I'm currently trying to determine the most efficient way to conditionally place the code inside or outside of the wrapper. However, I am unsure what the best practice for this would be.

This process seems a bit repetitive. Is there a more optimal approach available? Thank you!

However, that appears

Answer №1

To implement this, you can save the JSX content that needs to be repositioned in a variable within the render function and then utilize it similar to how you did in the previous method discussed.

const overlay = (
    colorStyle={el.ctaColor === "green" ? "green" : "black"}

// ...

return (
      {el.headline && (
        <Styled.HeroHeadline as="h4">{parse(el.headline)}</Styled.HeroHeadline>
      {screenWidth <= 600 && overlay}
    {screenWidth >= 601 && overlay}

It's worth mentioning that often CSS breakpoints can handle such adjustments without requiring changes to the DOM structure, which is usually the preferred approach. However, there are scenarios where alternative solutions like the one above may be necessary.

Depending on the layout requirements, there could still be instances where CSS alone may not suffice, making strategies like the one outlined here suitable for your specific scenario.

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