I'm encountering difficulties with customizing the root styling of material-ui's DialogActions

Check out the two buttons in a DialogActions just like this.

This is the JSX snippet I'm working with:

<DialogActions classes={{ root: classes.dialogActionsLeft }}>
    onClick={() => {
    onClick={() => {

Here's the corresponding CSS code:

const useStyles = makeStyles((theme) => ({
  dialogActionsLeft: {
    "&:nth-child(1)": {
      justifyContent: `flex-start`

If the pseudo selector is omitted, both buttons align to the left. If included, they remain aligned to the right. It seems like I might be misusing the pseudo selector, but I'm struggling to find the solution

Answer №1

Are you in need of left aligning both buttons? In such a scenario, consider using &:nth-child(n).


Also, remember to set justifyContent for dialogActionsLeft.

dialogActionsLeft: { justifyContent: 'space-between', '&:nth-child(1)': { justifyContent: flex-start, } }

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