Limiting overflow:visible to input and select fields only

I'm currently facing an issue with a Lightning Web Component in Salesforce, however, I believe the root cause of this problem is not specific to this platform.

Within my container div, I have row divs displaying select/combobox fields that need to extend beyond the top/bottom edges of the container when selected. This effect can be achieved by setting overflow:visible on the container.

As I add more rows, the container expands as expected:

However, my goal is to implement y-axis scroll bars once the container reaches its maximum height. Since overflow:visible does not automatically add scroll bars, the contents end up flowing out of the bottom of the container instead.

I would appreciate any suggestions or ideas on how to address this issue.

Answer №1

Update the overflow style to overflow: auto;

Answer №2

In order to properly display the select boxes, it is important to set two different overflow properties. Make sure to use overflow:visible specifically for the select boxes, while for the container, consider using either auto or scroll based on the code that appears to be missing for some unknown reason.

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