Manipulating parent based on first child using CSS

Is it possible to manipulate the parent element using CSS based on the presence of a specific child?

For instance, I want to style a table cell differently if the first child within it is a link.

<td><a href="go.html">Go here!</a></td>

td { padding: 5px; } /* Normal cell */
?? { padding: 0px; } /* Cell with link as first child */

Answer №1

While there may not be a direct solution, consider trying a different approach such as:

td { padding: 5px; } /* Normal cell */
td a { margin: -5px; } /* Cell with link as first child */

There are numerous other methods to achieve similar results.

In the future, CSS4 is expected to introduce a :has pseudo class that will provide the functionality you are looking for, but we'll have to wait until then.

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