Chrome is the only browser that displays the correct number of columns, unlike IE and Firefox

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Is anyone else experiencing an issue with the columns on a website layout? I have 5 columns set up with each post taking up 20% width. It looks fine in Chrome, but in IE and Firefox, the last column gets pushed below so there are only 4 columns showing. Any ideas on why this might be happening?

.post {
  width: 20%;
  float: left;
  overflow: hidden;

<article class="col post">
    content here
<article class="col post">
    content here
<article class="col post">
    content here

Answer №1

Each web browser comes with its own unique default settings for page margins and paddings, which could be the root cause of the issue you are facing. To solve this problem, consider utilizing the reset css stylesheet.

Answer №2

After doing some research, I found the solution to my issue: I made a minor adjustment from 20% to 19.8%.

It appears that Firefox interprets percentage widths differently compared to WebKit. To resolve this discrepancy, it's recommended to provide a slight margin in your CSS layout so that the columns do not total to exactly 100%.

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