The structure becomes disrupted when the Material Ui grid is enclosed within a div container

I currently have a responsive dashboard built with Material Ui's Grid elements. One of the grid items is wrapped in a div element, causing the layout to break.

Check out the playground with the div element here:

For comparison, here is the playground without the div element, which shows how it should look with the div included:

Unfortunately, the div element cannot be replaced or removed...

Do you have any suggestions for how to resolve this issue?

Answer №1

The Mui Grid component is structured in such a way that the Grid container should always serve as the parent of the Grid item property. The Grid container clones the Grid item and adds additional configurations to it, independent of react context.

The most logical approach to make this function properly is by eliminating the div element.

Alternatively, custom CSS styles can be applied to replicate grid spacing within the component.

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