Issues with styling SVG when using the `<use>` element

I am currently faced with a challenge involving CSS, where I need to modify the size and color of an SVG element that is being displayed using <use>. The specific SVG in question is as follows:

<svg xmlns="" width="24" height="24" fill="none" viewBox="0 0 24 24">
    <path fill="#000000" fill-rule="evenodd" d="<all the actual svg path info>" clip-rule="evenodd"/>

Unfortunately, I do not have authorization to make any changes directly within the SVG itself. How I am utilizing this SVG:

    <use xlink:href="#myIcon"></use>

I have spent countless hours trying different approaches, even consulting an extensive article on this topic, yet I have been unsuccessful. I have attempted applying classes to both the use element and the outer svg element, as well as referencing the path element within. However, I am unable to override the default styles provided. Is there a way for me to adjust the width, height, and fill color following this structure?

Answer №1

When adjusting the size, make sure to set the viewBox correctly and then adjust the width/height accordingly.

To change the color, you can use blending mode since the SVG color is black.

.icon {
  display: inline-block;
  background: #fff;
  position: relative;

.icon::after {

.icon>svg {
  display: block;
<svg xmlns="" width="0" height="0">
<symbol id="myIcon">
    <path fill="#000" d="M81,40.933c0-4.25-3-7.811-6.996-8.673c-0.922-5.312-3.588-10.178-7.623-13.844  c-2.459-2.239-5.326-3.913-8.408-4.981c-0.797-3.676-4.066-6.437-7.979-6.437c-3.908,0-7.184,2.764-7.979,6.442  c-3.078,1.065-5.939,2.741-8.396,4.977c-4.035,3.666-6.701,8.531-7.623,13.844C22.002,33.123,19,36.682,19,40.933  c0,2.617,1.145,4.965,2.957,6.589c0.047,0.195,0.119,0.389,0.225,0.568l26.004,43.873c0.383,0.646,1.072,1.04,1.824,1.04  c0.748,0,1.439-0.395,1.824-1.04L77.82,48.089c0.105-0.179,0.178-0.373,0.225-0.568C79.855,45.897,81,43.549,81,40.933z   M49.994,11.235c2.164,0,3.928,1.762,3.928,3.93c0,2.165-1.764,3.929-3.928,3.929s-3.928-1.764-3.928-3.929  C46.066,12.997,47.83,11.235,49.994,11.235z M27.842,36.301c0.014,0,0.027,0,0.031,0c1.086,0,1.998-0.817,2.115-1.907  c0.762-7.592,5.641-13.791,12.303-16.535c1.119,3.184,4.146,5.475,7.703,5.475c3.561,0,6.588-2.293,7.707-5.48  c6.664,2.742,11.547,8.944,12.312,16.54c0.115,1.092,1.037,1.929,2.143,1.907c2.541,0.013,4.604,2.087,4.604,4.631  c0,1.684-0.914,3.148-2.266,3.958H25.508c-1.354-0.809-2.268-2.273-2.268-3.958C23.24,38.389,25.303,36.316,27.842,36.301z   M50.01,86.723L27.73,49.13h44.541L50.01,86.723z" fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd"/>
<!-- your code -->
<div class="icon" style="--c:red;">
  <svg viewBox="0 0 100 125" width="100">
    <use xlink:href="#myIcon"></use>
<div class="icon"  style="--c:green;">
  <svg viewBox="0 0 100 125" width="150">
    <use xlink:href="#myIcon"></use>
<div class="icon" style="--c:blue;">
  <svg viewBox="0 0 100 125" width="200">
    <use xlink:href="#myIcon"></use>

Answer №2

To convert an SVG file to an image format, simply save the SVG as an image and adjust the color and width according to your preferences. Then, insert this modified image using an img tag in your HTML file while hiding the original SVG code by setting its display to none. Without access to the HTML code, there is limited flexibility to make changes.

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