Trouble with Flex 3 styles not fully applying to dynamically generated tabs within a TabNavigator

When using ActionScript to dynamically create a tab, I noticed that the style is applied to the skins but not to the text of the newly created tab until I click on another tab and then go back to it.


private function clickAddTabHandler(event:Event):void{
   var vbox:VBox = new VBox;
   var tab:Canvas = new (Canvas);
   vbox.label = "Select Location";
   tabBar.selectedIndex = tabBar.numChildren-1;


<mx:TabNavigator id="tabBar" width="100%" height="100%" tabStyleName="tabNavigator" selectedTabTextStyleName="tabNavigatorSelected" tabHeight="19">


   disabledSkin: Embed(source="assets/skins/TabBar-tab_disabledSkin.png",
   downSkin: Embed(source="assets/skins/TabBar-tab_downSkin.png",
   overSkin: Embed(source="assets/skins/TabBar-tab_overSkin.png",
   upSkin: Embed(source="assets/skins/TabBar-tab_upSkin.png",
   selectedDisabledSkin: Embed(source="assets/skins/TabBar-tab_selectedDisabledSkin.png",
   selectedUpSkin: Embed(source="assets/skins/TabBar-tab_selectedUpSkin.png",
   selectedOverSkin: Embed(source="assets/skins/TabBar-tab_selectedUpSkin.png",
   selectedDownSkin: Embed(source="assets/skins/TabBar-tab_selectedUpSkin.png",
   textAlign: left; 
   paddingLeft: 20; 
   paddingRight: 20; 
   fontSize: 11; 
   fontFamily: Helvetica Neue; 
   color: #FFFFFF;
   textRollOverColor: #FFFFFF;

   textAlign: left; 
   paddingLeft: 20; 
   paddingRight: 20; 
   fontSize: 11; 
   fontFamily: Helvetica Neue; 
   color: #135F9E; 
   textRollOverColor: #135F9E; 
   textSelectedColor: #135F9E;

Answer №1

When working with CSS, I highly recommend utilizing a style explorer tool. Personally, it has always been beneficial in achieving the correct styles for my projects.

Check out this helpful style explorer tool here

Additionally, remember to use the "Code Sample" button or indent your code with 4 spaces for better formatting. This will greatly improve readability for everyone.

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