What is the best way to implement a loop using JQuery?

  $(function() {
    $('.slideshow').each(function(index, element) {
        sleep: 2,
        fade: 1
      }, [
        { src: 'picture' + (index + 1) + '.jpg' }

In this modified script, I loop through each div with the class "slideshow" and apply the crossSlide effect to each one individually. Each div contains its own unique image that is displayed within the slideshow.

Answer №1

To select elements with a specific class, use a class selector along with an element selector.


Next, iterate over each element using the .each() method and access the current object within the loop by using $(this)

Answer №2

$(function() {
    $('.slideshow').each(function(idx,element) {
            pause: 3,
            transition: 'fade'
        }, [
            { source: 'pic'+idx+'A.jpg' },
            { source: 'pic'+idx+'B.jpg' },

If you want to personalize the image filenames based on elements, consider using their attributes or indices for naming conventions.

If there's no clear pattern in your filenames, you'll need to manually list them out each time you add a new image.

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