Can you explain the distinction between using a period in a class selector and not using one?

Could someone please clarify the meaning of the code snippet below?

<div class="cls1 cls2">abcd
  <div class="cls2">
.cls1 {
  background-color: yellow;

.cls1.cls2 {
  color: red;

.cls1 .cls2 {
  color: red;

The two classes in sample1 do not have an extra space, while in sample2 there is an extra space present.

Does anyone know where I can find the official documentation from Mozilla?

Answer №1

example2 will target all elements with the class cls2 that are located inside other elements (not necessarily direct descendants) with the class cls1. The space between selectors indicates that you are selecting any element that is a child (cls2) of the first element (cls1), whether direct or not.

example1, however, aims to select elements that have both class cls1 and cls2.

Answer №2

.style1.style2(sample1) This CSS style will be applied if a div has both the classes style1 and style2.

<div class="style1 style2">

.style1 .style2(sample2) If there is a space between two classes, it means you are selecting any two classes where the parent div has class .style1 and the child div has class .style2. We use a space so that the style is applied to the child div, not the parent div with the class .style2.

<div class="style1">
  <div class="style2">

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