Is there a way to change TextBox multiline to uppercase in Opera browser?

Does anyone know how to convert TextBox multiline to Uppercase in Opera? I tried using "text-transform:uppercase" but it only seems to work with IE

Answer №1

It seems like a glitch has been discovered in Opera, as the code functions properly in IE 8 and Firefox 3.6. One potential fix could involve implementing the following JavaScript:

<script type="text/javascript">
    function convertToUppercase(input) {
        input.value = input.value.toUpperCase();
<input onkeyup="convertToUppercase(this)"></input>

Answer №2

Interesting observation. It appears that Opera made a conscious decision to disable the text-transform:uppercase property for INPUT and TEXTAREA elements due to a past incident involving an insurance website. Users were frustrated by being forced to type in all upper-case letters, leading to confusion. This design choice may have been unique to Opera at the time but could have evolved since then.

To enhance usability, it would be advisable to convert text to uppercase either on the server side or after the user finishes typing, such as through the onchange event.

In addition, CSS should ideally only impact the visual display of content on screen. Even if a TEXTAREA is styled with text-transform:uppercase and displays as such while typing, the actual text sent to the server should reflect what the user originally typed, regardless of case format.

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