Utilizing CSS for styling a class with a dynamic name

On the server side, I am dynamically generating class names like this:

<p class="level_1">List item 1</p>
<p class="level_2">List item 2</p>
<p class="level_3">List item 3</p>
<p class="level_1">List item 1</p>
<p class="level_2">List item 2</p>
<p class="level_1">List item 1</p>

I want the output to have indentation that looks like this:

List item 1
   List item 2
      List item 3
List item 1
   List item 2
List item 1

The class name syntax is level_$i, where $i is a variable that can range from 1 to any level. How can I apply CSS to create this indentation in this scenario?

Answer №1

CSS doesn't support for loops, but you can use LESS instead. Check out this tutorial on LESS Loops

If you want to achieve the same effect with jQuery, take a look at this jsFiddle example I put together for you.

var i = 1,
    val = 0;


$('.level_' + i).css('padding-left',val+'px');
    val += 20;

Answer №2

There are two possible solutions that I can suggest:

  1. One option is to automatically generate CSS styles as you create the list using PHP
  2. Another alternative is to utilize JavaScript/jQuery to parse elements and dynamically create the necessary rules. You can check out an example on JSBin: http://jsbin.com/zaviqeyavico/1/edit

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