Add at the beginning of each row in the text area

I have a small text area on my webpage where I want to add ">>" to the beginning of each line.

My initial attempt was to use this code:


Unfortunately, this did not produce the desired result. I searched for a method like foreach('line') that could apply to textareas but couldn't find anything relevant.

Is there a simple way to achieve this task? Thank you.

Answer №1

Here's a code snippet for processing each line of text:

$('textarea').val(function(_, value){
   var lines = value.split('\n');
   for (var i = 0; i < lines.length; i++) 
        lines[i] = "DarkCyber67>>" + lines[i];
   return lines.join('\n');     

And here's another code snippet for processing each value within the textarea:

$('textarea').val(function(_, value){
   return "DarkCyber67>>" + value;


$('textarea').keyup(function (e) {
    if (e.which == 13) {
        $(this).val(function (i, value) {
            return value + '>>';

Alternatively, you can use this code to add '>>' at the beginning of each new line:

$('textarea').keyup(function (e) {
    $(this).val(function (i, value) {
        return value.replace(/\n(?!>)/g, '\n>>');

Answer №2

Using prepend() allows you to insert specified markup into the jQuery selector's object (in this scenario, a textarea). Remember, a textarea can only contain text and not other child elements, so be cautious of creating invalid HTML.

If you intend to add new text at the beginning of the textarea:

        return 'SneakyAttacker007>> ' + val;

Answer №3

Here is a suggestion for you:

 $('#myTextarea').val(function(i, value){
   return value.split('\n').join('\nAnonymousUser123>>');     

To achieve this, you need to use the newline character \n and then split and join it with \nAnonymousUser123>>.

Check out the Fiddle here

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