Enhance your calendar with sleek jQuery styling

Currently, I am utilizing the jQuery-ui.css (smoothness) solely for the calendar CSS. Can anyone provide me with a comprehensive list of all the calendar CSS functions available in it? I'm looking to avoid using any unnecessary CSS that might be causing issues on my page as I am primarily focused on using the calendar feature...

Any assistance or recommendations would be highly welcomed!

Answer №1

Personalize your JQuery CSS with the help of Theme Roller and visit this site to choose specific widgets for your project.

Answer №2

If you're considering removing only the calendar styles from the jQuery UI CSS, I would advise against it as it may cause complications later on if you decide to use other jQuery UI components like datePicker() or draggable(). This could result in a lot of unnecessary work and confusion for you.

However, if you are positive that you won't need any other styles for your project and want to reduce the size of your CSS files, you can selectively download specific features from the jQuery UI download page. Alternatively, if you prefer to create a custom theme first, you can utilize theme-roller to choose only the necessary features before downloading them.

The download page allows you to select the features you require, resulting in a download containing only the essential CSS for running those specific features.

On the other hand, if you simply want to separate your CSS from your HTML file to declutter it, you can move all your CSS code into its own file and then import it into your HTML document. This way, your page will still respond to the CSS without overcrowding the HTML.

To import a CSS file, add this line within your <head></head> tags:

<link rel="stylesheet" href="http://code.jquery.com/ui/1.11.2/themes/smoothness/jquery-ui.css">

If the CSS is already on your page, copy and paste it into a separate file named "jquery-ui.css", then import it like this:

<link rel="stylesheet" href="jquery-ui.css">

For better organization, many people keep their stylesheets in a folder called "css" to centralize all project styles. If you opt for this approach (recommended), your code will look like this:

<link rel="stylesheet" href="css/jquery-ui.css">

Typically, code structure follows this format:

images folder, styles from the css folder, and scripts from the js folder.

I hope this explanation is helpful!

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