What could be causing the distance between the image and the navigation bar?

Hey there, I'm struggling with a pesky little gap that's sneaking in between an image and my navigation bar. I've exhausted all my usual tricks like setting inline-blocks on the ul and li levels, and trying to align everything left with text-align, but nothing seems to budge those hyperlinks to the far left edge of the div. It's a head-scratcher because there's some padding involved, but it shouldn't be creating such a noticeable gap.

Take a look at the html code here:

<div id = "header">
<img src ="img.png"/>   
   <div id ="nav_bar">
    <ul class="nav">
        <li class= "nav"><a href="#">Home</a></li>
        <li class= "nav"><a href="#">Our Products</a></li>
        <li class= "nav"><a href="#">Categories</a></li>
        <li class= "nav"><a href="#">About Us</a></li>
        <li class= "nav"><a href="#">Contact Us</a></li>

If you want a visual aid, check out this jfiddle: http://jsfiddle.net/37VZb/1/

To clarify, the troublesome gap I'm referring to is that space between the right side of the image and the leftmost element of the nav bar.

Answer №1

One reason for the issue is the presence of a space character between inline(-block) elements. This can be resolved by commenting out that space like this:

<img src ="http://www.leapcms.com/images/100pixels1.gif"/><!--
--><div id ="nav_bar"> ...

See JSFiddle Demo.

For more information, check out a similar topic on SO:

  • How to remove the space between inline-block elements?

Also, here's a useful reference link:


If there is still some space leftover, it might be due to default styling applied by the user agent on the <ul> element.

Most web browsers add padding to list elements by default. To eliminate this, set padding: 0; as shown below:

ul.nav { padding : 0; }

Check out the Updated Fiddle.

Answer №2

Does this clarify your question? You have the option to target the nav class within your ul and modify the default margins that are currently applied

  margin: 10px 0;


Answer №3

Your gap between elements is comparable to a white space found between words, as both elements are set as inline boxes. Additionally, padding has been applied to ul and a in your CSS. http://jsfiddle.net/37VZb/8/

.nav_bar, .nav{

To remove the gap:

1) Ensure that there is no indentation in your code and that the closing and opening brackets of each element touch one another

2) Insert a CSS comment between elements to eliminate any white space

3) Adjust the font-size to 0 (or 0.01px for IE) for the parent of these inline-boxes, then reset it back to 1rem (or px/pt) for img (alt) and nav_bar

Avoid using negative margin or negative letter-spacing, as they are not reliable solutions for this issue.

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