Ways to dynamically eliminate focus around text inputs

I have created an HTML page and here is the link to it:

My main goal is to remove the black border around the text input on this page. The challenge I am facing is that the 'things to do' list is generated dynamically, meaning it is empty when the page first loads. I am looking for a solution to remove the border using my JavaScript file.

Any suggestions on how I can achieve this?

Answer №1

If you want to remove the outline of an input box with a specific ID using JavaScript, you can try this code:

document.getElementById("input'sID").style.outline = "none";
. Alternatively, you can use
; This will set the outline property to none for all input boxes on your page with that specific ID. If the input types are rendered dynamically, you can also add input{ outline: none} in your CSS, which will work for all input types rendered dynamically.

Answer №2

When setting up the input field, remember to either set the autofocus attribute to false or simply omit it altogether.

You can also explicitly disable it (even though it defaults to false) using this script:

document.getElementById("id_Of_The_Element").autofocus = false;

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