Utilizing Vue.js to incorporate the isActive property to the class name within a v-for loop, along with implementing dynamic class names

I am currently using a loop to iterate through some data in my store.js file, and everything is functioning as expected. However, I would like to add a condition to check if the Vue instance is active before applying a specific class to the polygon element. I am struggling with the syntax of this conditional statement without affecting note.content_type, which determines the dynamic class name.

Once I am able to set { active: isActive } on this element, I believe I will be able to update my data accordingly based on a tap or click event.

<svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" width="400" height="800" id="space" ref="sheets">
            v-for="(note, index) in notes"
            :transform="`translate(${note.xpos}, ${note.ypos})`"

              v-if="note.content_type == 'link'"
              points="9.500000000000002,16.454482671904334 -19,2.326828918379971e-15 9.499999999999986,-16.45448267190434"


Thank you once again for your help.

Answer №1

Apologies for the confusion - the updated version uses array syntax instead of an object:

  v-if="note.content_type == 'link'"
  points="9.500000000000002,16.454482671904334 -19,2.326828918379971e-15 9.499999999999986,-16.45448267190434"
  :class="[ note.content_type, isActive ? 'active' : '']"

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