Adjustable div heights for text within inline elements

How can I make two inline-table divs (content and sidebar) have the same height regardless of their content? I've experimented with various attributes, but nothing seems to be working. You can view my website here.

Answer №1

I came up with an easy solution:

#main { display: table; }
#main > div { float: none; display: table-cell; vertical-align: top; }

Answer №2

To achieve this, you can utilize jQuery.

    var contentHeight = $("#content").outerHeight();
    var sideHeight = $("#side").outerHeight();
    var maxHeight = (sideHeight > contentHeight)? sideHeight : contentHeight;
    $("#content, #side").height(maxHeight);

When it comes to HTML, there are limited options available. One workaround is to assign a background color to your #main, for example background: #F0F0F0;, in order to create the impression of equal height.

Answer №3

To create a fluid layout, wrap the content and sidebar in a parent div with height: 100%. This way, as one div expands, the parent div will adjust accordingly, ensuring that the other div always fills up 100% of the available space.

Remember: refer to the comments for further explanation. Don't forget to include overflow:auto in the parent div as well.

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