Having trouble with Vuejs Ternary Operator or Conditional in v-bind-style?

Having some unexpected issues while trying to implement a style conditional for items in Vuejs.

I have come across Stack Overflow posts on how to use a ternary, either through an interpolated string or a computed style object. I've attempted both methods but neither seem to be working correctly.

Here's the code snippet:

    :style="[inactive ? {getStyleRadarContainerInactive} : {getStyleRadarContainer}]"

To apply this style:

computed: {
    getStyleRadarContainer: function(){

        let styleRadarContainer = {
            left: this.radarItem.posX*100 + '%', 
            top: this.radarItem.posY*100 + '%',
            transform: 'translate(-50%,-50%) scale(' + this.radarItem.scale + ')',
            opacity: this.radarItem.opacity,

        return styleRadarContainer;
    getStyleRadarContainerInactive: function(){

        let styleRadarContainerInactive= {
            left: this.radarItem.posX*100 + '%', 
            top: this.radarItem.posY*100 + '%',
            transform: 'translate(-50%,-50%) scale(0)',
            opacity: this.radarItem.opacity,

        return styleRadarContainerInactive;

Even though the intention is for each item to scale down (due to the scale(0) in the opacity property), the style attribute fails to render at all. I also experimented with an inline ternary on the style prop (as the scale is the only changing factor between the two properties):

transform: 'translate(-50%,-50%) ' + inactive ? 'scale(' + radarItem.scale + ')' : 'scale(0)',

What could be causing this issue?

Answer №2

When using the style binding, make sure to pass in an object directly instead of wrapping the ternary in unnecessary square brackets that create an array containing an object. Also, avoid nesting the returned object by removing the unnecessary brackets around the ternary:

    :style= "inactive ? getStyleRadarContainerInactive : getStyleRadarContainer"

Remember that when adding a variable containing an object to another object without specifying a property name, the variable name itself will be used as the property name.

var myObject = {
  property: 'value'

<script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/jquery/3.3.1/jquery.min.js"></script>
<div id="output"></div>

Answer №3

It is possible to implement this functionality by utilizing the spread operator in the following manner:

:style= "[inactive ? {...getStyleRadarContainerInactive} : {...getStyleRadarContainer}]"

Answer №4

The solution provided was unsuccessful because it included double curly brackets.

  :style="[{ obj: { styleObject }}]" // This approach will not work

You have two options: you can either use an array containing styleObjects or just a single styleObject.

For example:

  :style="[ { color: 'blue' } ]"
  :style="{ color: 'blue' }"

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