Identifying flex-wrap capabilities across different browsers

Currently, I am developing a project that involves implementing a responsive grid using the flex wrap property. However, since my project needs to support IE9 and older versions of Firefox (version 28 and below), I am in need of a way to determine their support through JavaScript. So far, I have managed to identify IE9 browser using a conditional statement, but I am unsure how to detect older versions of Firefox using JavaScript. Can anyone provide guidance on this?

Answer №1

After much exploration, I have discovered the most straightforward approach:

var elementStyle =;
if (('flexWrap' in elementStyle) || ('WebkitFlexWrap' in elementStyle) || ('msFlexWrap' in elementStyle)){

I also experimented with hasOwnProperty, but unfortunately it did not function correctly in IE and FF. So why rely on a bulky modernizr library when you can achieve the same result with just 3 lines of JavaScript?

Answer №2

Detecting CSS Properties

One way to detect a CSS property is by directly testing it on an element and checking if it returns undefined, as shown below:<propertyName> != undefined

Simplest Approach (with some limitations)

The method mentioned above checks for the property directly and should work for most common properties, but not for all like flex-wrap.

function isStyleSupported(el, property) {
  return[property] != undefined;
var testEl = document.getElementById('test');
testEl.innerHTML = (isStyleSupported(testEl, 'flexWrap')) ? "Flex Wrap is supported" : "Flex Wrap is NOT supported";
<div id="test"></div>

To enhance support and cover more properties, you can also check with DOM prefixes.

Enhanced Method for Better Support (including flex-wrap)

var domPrefixes = 'Webkit Moz O ms Khtml'.split(' ');

function toCamelCase(cssProp) {
  return cssProp.replace(/-([a-z])/gi, function(s, prop) {
    return prop.toUpperCase();

function isStyleSupported(el, property) {
  if ([toCamelCase(property)] != undefined) {
    return true; //supported
  property = toCamelCase("-" + property);
  for (var i = 0; i < domPrefixes.length; i++) {
    if ([domPrefixes[i] + property] !== undefined) {
      return true; //supported with dom prefix
var divEl = document.getElementById('result'), textEl = document.getElementById('textbox');
document.getElementById('checkSupport').onclick = function() {
  divEl.innerHTML = (isStyleSupported(divEl, textEl.value)) ? textEl.value + " is supported" : textEl.value + " is NOT supported";
<input type="text" id="textbox" value="flex-wrap" />
<button id="checkSupport">Check</button>
<div id="result"></div>

If you need to generalize this for various properties across different browsers, consider using modernizr for better coverage.

CSS.supports API

There is a new CSS API called CSS.supports which provides a boolean value to check if a specific CSS feature is supported by the browser. While this is a great option, older browsers may still require plugins like modernizr.


For basic style detection, use<property> != undefined
or consider including domPrefixes. If your needs are more complex, opt for modernizr for comprehensive feature detection.

Answer №3

Expanding further on @AndresTet's response, in case you are looking to avoid using a pre-built modernizr package, you have the option to craft your own customized version. Alternatively, you can extract and revamp the necessary flexbox tests from the existing resources, primarily focusing on:

function checkFeaturesAll(feature, prefixed, element) {

    var capitalizedFeature = feature.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + feature.slice(1),
        featuresList = (feature + ' ' + cssomPrefixes.join(capitalizedFeature + ' ') + capitalizedFeature).split(' ');

    if (is(prefixed, "string") || is(prefixed, "undefined")) {
        return checkFeatures(featuresList, prefixed);

    } else {
        featuresList = (feature + ' ' + (domPrefixes).join(capitalizedFeature + ' ') + capitalizedFeature).split(' ');
        return testDOMProps(featuresList, prefixed, element);

tests['flexbox'] = function() {
    return checkFeaturesAll('flexWrap');

tests['flexboxlegacy'] = function() {
    return checkFeaturesAll('boxDirection');

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