How can I stack two appbar components from Material Ui on top of each other without the vertical line separating them?

I am facing a challenge while trying to incorporate two AppBar components in Material-UI, stacked one on top of the other. The problem arises when a line appears at the end of the first AppBar, overlapping with the second one. Click here to view an image that demonstrates the issue: image I have attempted to resolve this by adjusting margins and padding values to 0 or -1, however, these adjustments did not seem to affect the outcome. I also experimented with setting aria-hidden to true, but unfortunately, this approach did not eliminate the unwanted line either.

Answer №1

    className="bg-secondary rounded-2xl pl-4 pr-3 py-3"

Ensure to include elevation={0} attribute, if the AppBar is duplicated within a flex column, the shadow may be hidden.

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