Changing text color with JQuery animation

Is there a way to animate text color using jQuery/jQuery UI? I want the text color to change from #000 to #F00 when an event is triggered, then fade back to #000 over 3 seconds.

I attempted using effect("highlight", {}, 3000) with the highlight effect, but it doesn't re-trigger until completion and will continue for the same duration of time. This isn't ideal for my needs.

Any suggestions?



This is my current attempt:

$("input:text[name=size_w]").keyup(function () {
            var value = ($("input:text[name=size_w]").val() == "") ? "null" : $("input:text[name=size_w]").val();
            $("#width_emb").text(value).css({ color: "red" }).animate({ color: "black" }, 3000);

However, it still doesn't function as desired. I am unable to re-trigger the initial color change until the animation is complete. If the event is triggered again before 3 seconds, I need to cancel the animation and restart it.

Answer №1

If you're looking to add color animation support, consider implementing JQueryUI.

According to the JQueryUI site:

The jQuery UI effects core extends the animate function to be able to animate colors as well. It's heavily used by the class transition feature and it's able to color animate various properties such as backgroundColor, borderBottomColor, borderLeftColor, borderRightColor, borderTopColor, color, and outlineColor.

In response to an updated question regarding interrupting or restarting halfway through an animation, you can achieve this by calling .stop() This method can also be used to clear any queued animations.

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