The HTML attribute "hasbox" specifies the presence of a box within the element

I am currently working on resolving some rendering issues specifically in IE9 and have encountered a tag attribute that I am not familiar with - hasbox.

Upon further investigation, it seems like IE is injecting this attribute at runtime as it does not appear in my original sources. Despite my efforts to research this issue on various platforms, such as stackoverflow, I have been unable to find any useful information...Even search engines like Google, Bing, and Yahoo only return examples of html tags containing the hasbox="2" attribute, which do not provide relevant answers.

Could someone please shed some light on this mysterious attribute or direct me to a reliable source where I can expand my knowledge about it?

Thank you in advance

Answer №2

Check out this link for more information on the topic

After extensive searching, I was only able to find this one source that provides a relevant example.

Could it be possible that something you have installed is causing this issue?

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