What causes z-index to be ineffective with sticky elements?

In my website, I've implemented rollover effects in a sticky footer and a responsive menu that stays at the top. However, when the menu is opened and extends over the footer, it covers everything except the rollovers.

Closed navigation http://www.musictheorytutorials.com/navclosed.png

Open navigation http://www.musictheorytutorials.com/navopen.png

I've made numerous changes and even recreated a simplified version in jsfiddle where it worked. But those changes don't seem to work on my actual website...

Here is the working jsfiddle: /m_d_a/y7Lj3rms/26/

And here is the problematic jsfiddle: /m_d_a/4bLyt681/5/

I apologize for any formatting issues with the code tags. I understand that there's a lot of javascript involved, most of which comes from external plugin files that I'm not familiar with. So, I believe the issue lies within that code. Any help in resolving this would be greatly appreciated. I'll also update the title of this question once a solution is found to assist others facing similar problems in the future.

Thank you.

Answer №1

make a simple adjustment in your css

change this line of code:

.menu {
  position: relative;
  z-indez: 100;


.menu {
  z-index: 100 !important;

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