Creating dynamic text bubble to accommodate wrapped text in React using Material-UI (MUI)

I am currently developing a chat application using ReactJS/MUI, and I have encountered an issue with the sizing of the text bubbles. The bubble itself is implemented as a Typography component:

<Typography variant="body1" sx={bubbleStyle}>

The styles for the bubble are defined as follows:

const bubbleStyle = {
    bgcolor: fromUser ? theme.palette.primary.main : '#f1f1f1',
    color: fromUser ? 'white' : 'black',
    p: 1,
    borderRadius: '8px',
    maxWidth: '65%',
    wordBreak: 'break-word',
    display: 'inline-block',
    my: 0,
    fontFamily: 'Inter, sans-serif',
    fontWeight: '100',
    fontSize: '14px',

Currently, when the text inside the bubble exceeds a single line, the width of the bubble extends to 65%, resulting in unnecessary white space on its right side. An example of this issue can be seen in the following image:

problem bubble

I have already tried several solutions to address this problem, including setting width='fit-content', using hidden <div> or <span> elements, employing a ResizeObserver, creating a nested MessageComponentText component, and dynamically measuring the text with JavaScript for resizing purposes - none of which have provided a satisfactory solution.

Although I have explored similar HTML/CSS-based approaches to resolve this issue, my limited knowledge of these technologies has hindered my ability to adapt those solutions to MUI.

Answer №1

From my understanding, the optimal solution seems to be using the CSS property word-break: break-all. This will help in breaking up long words to fit the content area and eliminate any unnecessary spaces. I've yet to come across a method that retains the word structure while eliminating additional spaces.

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