What causes my CSS to be disrupted by a line break in one instance but not in another? (view demonstrations)


In comparing this particular fiddle with another version of the same fiddle, the only variance is that in the second one, there is

</label><label for="address_zip" class="zip">
without a line break following the closing </label> tag.


<label for="address_state" class="state">
    <span>State</span><input name="address_state" type="text" placeholder="CA" required="" class="field is-empty">
</label><label for="address_zip" class="zip">
    <span>ZIP</span><input name="address_zip" type="text" placeholder="94107" required="" class="field is-empty">

Dealing with line breaks can be quite tricky, and I've faced similar issues in the past.

Initially, I decided to accept the lack of a new line after the closing label tag in the HTML, even though it appeared messy.

However, I then discovered that another webpage (almost identical except for different CSS) that I had coded did not have this line break problem.


Why might this be?

Answer №1

Your form lacks block sections like div, resulting in a single long line layout. While you applied display: flex to the labels, it was not added to the fieldset, causing each label to be displayed on its own row.

By inserting line breaks between your labels, they are represented as spaces in the HTML view, thus extending beyond a single row.

To resolve this, consider restructuring the code as shown below:

  <label for="cardholder-name"> Name </label
  <input name="cardholder-name" type="text" placeholder="Jenny Rosen" class="question field is-empty personHead">

You may need to adjust some CSS for proper alignment, but following this format will ensure correct display.

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