using css to pass arguments

I need help with a code that I have, here's the structure:

<div className="site-col-1">
   content 1
<div className="site-col-2">
  content 2

Here is how the corresponding CSS file looks...

.site-col-1 {
    grid-column: span 1;

.site-col-2 {
    grid-column: span 2;

.site-col-3 {
   grid-column: span 3;

Is there a way I can simplify this by passing the number as an argument from the div rather than creating individual CSS classes for each? Something like this:

.site-col-ARG {
  grid-column: span ARG

Answer №1

To accomplish the same result, you can utilize styled components in combination with React JS.

const StyledDiv = styled.div`
  /* Adjust the grid-column value based on the provided props */
  grid-column: ${props => props.value};

// Within your .jsx file
    <StyledDiv value="1">
      content 1
    <StyledDiv value="2">
      content 2

Answer №2

It is partially true that in an HTML file where code is written, you can make use of JS_Template libraries like Handlebars, Mustache, etc. to achieve this.

In React as well, it is possible but only in the file where templates are added with the help of JavaScript (or JSX in case of React).


If you are attempting to do the same in a plain CSS file, the answer is a definite NO. It is not achievable in CSS.


However, if you are using a CSS preprocessor like SASS, you could utilize loops. You can write something similar to the following example:

@for $i from 1 through 5 {
.site-col-#{$i} {
  grid-column: span #{$i}

For conversion, refer to: (select to convert SCSS and NOT SASS).

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